Monday, June 9, 2014

You Know That I'll Always Support You Right? ;-)

Everbody have their own problems, have their own mistakes, and have their own hard times.
I know and I hope that you always do the best in everything you do.
I know that you won't read every single thing that I wrote for you but I know that you understand how much I care for you.
I always want you to be happy, that's what I always want since the first time we met.
I believe that you'll meet your happiness in every single way you take like I believe that in myself.
I know that we will survive in every hard times we meet in our way.
I know that our roads are completely different but I hope that it still can connect us in every possible and impossible way.
I did many impossible things that I don't even think I can do since I met you.
I did many silly things in front of you but you respect me in that way and I'm really thankful for that.
So .. Yeah .. Like I always said to you that I'll support you wherever you are.
So even I always wonder what's your next step, What kind of challenges that you'll take ..
One thing that I can sure, whatever it is. It might be the best road that you take

So ... What is your next journey Kak? :-)

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