Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Super Show 5 Gifts

" Terima kasih atas hadiahnya yang indah, terima kasih sudah dibela-belain ngantri di tengah teriknya matahari, terima kasih telah memikirkanku, Maaf sudah merepotkan kalian, I'll treasure this ^^ "

There're my high school friends gave this to me, Victoria Gaby Sabatini dan Novi Abiatma Putri . This is an official merchandise from Super Show 5 in Jakarta. Thank you so much for the gift ^^

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Beautiful Gifts

" He gave me this beautiful gifts. There're Eunhyuk and Donghae Super Junior photos inside the magazine. The cat also cute. Thank you so much for the gifts, I'll treasure it."

I met a Japanese friends, Yuichi Terawaki-san, on Saturday (07/20) and Sunday (07/21). We went around Surabaya and Malang. I'm happy to met him and I had such a great time. I also hope that he's also enjoy his visit in Surabaya. Thank you so much for visit me and Sayonara ^^

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Never Getting Old

" Aku sempet berpikir bahwa kita bakal terdiam dan ada rasa canggung yang menyelimuti di udara, seperti yang terjadi pada dua orang atau lebih yang telah lama tidak bertemu kemudian bertemu kembali. Namun sesaat kita bertemu hanya canda tawa dan ejekan satu sama lain yang tercipta, topik tak henti-hentinya mengalir begitu saja seakan mengikis kenyataan bahwa kami sudah setahun tak bertemu."

- Solaria, Surabaya Town Square, July 16 2013, With Lovable High School Best Friends, Marga Gak-

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Park Tae Hwan Official Fan Mail Address

In case you want to send a mail to Park Tae-Hwan, here's his official fan mail address.

in English:
 402, Medicis building, 655-4, Gaepo 4-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-808, Republic of Korea

in Korean:
 대한민국 서울특별시 강남구 개포4동 655-4 메디시스빌딩 402호
 우편번호(zip code) 135-808

Source From :
Heo JeongYun Eonni ^^

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Beautiful Eonni and Her Suddenly Gift

You know, I have a new idol these day. He's a awesome and handsome swimmer from South Korea called Park Tae Hwan.
He has his own charm and complicated life, but He's awesome and inspiring ...
Park Tae hwan also make me find a new big sister from South Korea, her name is Heo JeongYun and I always call her Eonni ^^
She's very kind and patient I think, because I patiently answer my questions about Park Tae Hwan, hehehe ...
At the first day we knew each other, she suddenly give me a gift, a precious gift, the gift that I really want so much and think that it just a dream to have that stuff because it only sell in Korea and online. It's quiet expensive for me if I buy it online.

" 허정윤 Eonni. I received your gift today (07/10), I don't know how to reply back you kindness to me. I'm very grateful and thankful to you. It's really a precious book for me. So thank you so much because this gift is so amazing. I'll keep and enjoy it. I hope we can always be a good friend and I pray the best for you. ^^"

Monday, July 1, 2013

Memorabilia Foto

Aku mengambil banyak foto akhir-akhir ini ... Banyak diantaranya yang sangat mengesankan dan meninggalkan jejak yang indah di hati, jadi saya ingin sekali membaginya di sini :)

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