While many people are so tense about many things happened in the world wherever it is, I just wanna share about my little world.
I guess I was never really born in the family nor environment who think going abroad is an easy thing or even possible. For many people in my environment where I grew up, it is just a dream that hardly been made, except going to Makkah for Haj. Even for that, we do really need to save some money for so many years.
Why? Simply because it is require us so much money just to going abroad, even for going to our neighbor countries.
Even up until now, I am still find it really hard to just going abroad, even only for holidays. But then while I am growing up, meeting another environment, I start to think that maybe going abroad isn't that impossible as long as you have a will. If you don't have money, then use your brain to find .. I don't know .. anything (cause people saying, "All Roads Lead to Rome") to help you out of this country for a while. And many friends of mine showed me that they can go with so little money required.
For me at least, travelling abroad is something rare, precious even, almost impossible I can say. And many other people might think the same. But then when you have hope and when your environment support you to always get out from your comfort zone, always seeking little adventures, being thrilled with the challenges, then one day ... one day ... you can arrived in the stranger land, explore a whole new world, explore your own self. Amazed and captivated with what a stranger land could give you
I am not really sure why I am telling this but I guess because I am so happy to see my environment start to change when I am watching people around me going to many places outside Indonesia.
Greedy for experiences and up for challenges. Also being witnesses how it change them, excitement, and more confidence in their eyes. Trust me, you need to go abroad for at least once in your life and if possible, for some couple weeks or months to enable yourself to really feels the new environment and explore more. It is worth it! Trust me, it is!!
But for it, you need strong hopes, believe, and will!
p.s. a little tips for you, please do learn about culture shock if you are about to go abroad cause it will help you to adapt there and understand the changes happen in you